This week, we’re focusing on binary exploitation and reversing. (Thanks to Ghost in the Shellcode for making me feel stupid with all their binary pwning challenges!)

Basic Shellcode Examples

Gal Badishi has a great set of Basic Shellcode Examples. It’s almost two years old, but a good primer into how basic shellcode works. x86 hasn’t changed (yes, I’m ignoring x64 for now), so still quite a relevant resource for those of us who have leaned on msfvenom/msfpayload for our payload needs.

Project Shellcode

Going beyond the basic, Project Shellcode is a site full of resources for crafting and understanding shellcode. Based on training classes used at BlackHat 2012, they walk through all the steps in writing shellcode.

x86 Assembly Guide

If the shellcode above looked like Greek, perhaps it’s time for an x86 assembly primer/refresher. UVA’s CS department has you covered with their x86 Assembly Guide, used in their CS216 class. It also has some useful reference to how the instructions work.

GNU Debugger Tutorial

If you want to observe the behavior of a running program, you’re going to want a debugger. If you’re running on Linux and haven’t spent the $1200 for IDA pro, you’re probably using the GNU Debugger, better known as GDB. RMS (no, not that RMS) has a great gdb tutorial.