It seems like I have been hit with a case of the mondays.  My job (end user tech support at my school) sucks.  I don't mind helping people -- I love it in fact -- but I feel like a trained monkey sometimes.  90% of my time is spent resetting passwords.

In any case,  I am usually able to combat this with some of my entertainment sites (see below for the curious), but lately I've been looking more for a project to work on.  My learning process is heavily tied to getting something done -- I can read a book on Python (or whatever), but for me to understand it, I need a real-world project using it to work on.  No "hello world" application can grab my interest enough.  Perhaps it's some form of ADD.

So what does this all mean?  I'm becoming restless.  I need a project.  I've tried looking into becoming a MOTU, but I'm not sure I fully understand the process (and it's hard to fix bugs in apps I don't even use).  Something practical and useful, but not so large as to stretch into months or years.  (At least, I'd like something I can make progress on before months or years.)

Any ideas on ways to combat this crappy boredom?

FYI, these are the sites that typically amuse me somewhat: